Monday, May 25, 2009

Prabhakaran, the soul of Eelam

I saw this article wazz actually left as a comment in ,
so i thought of posting it here....
the original article was in tamil... (the one below)...
I find that my translation work was very tough...
but it has the core issue well stated....
(anyone who can give a better translation , please do so)
I've also posted a related video...

Since 18/5/2009 ...
the controversial issue....
Prabhakaran is alive or dead... ( LTTE Leader),
has stirred the whole world..

he had been
a strong hand ....
among ten others...
he caused a great deed,
but he's not the dealer....

the ultimate dealer was the God Himself....
deed was Prabhakaran's...
but the deed's result is His....
therefore , no one can say ....
that the deed has lost...
for a great deed's result...
will definitely result its own results....

therefore, do not worry, cry, or weakened....
no one should be remorseful....
but instead should rejoice again...

Prabhakaran has turned every Sri Lankan Tamils...
to another Prabhakaran....
Every voice that utters...
" Eelam, our Home Land"
could be none other than his.....
his emotions ,his idealism
has propagated within us....
wheter alive or not....
Prabhakaran is worth of thousand strenghts......

Common tamil people calls him as their leader....
some even idealised him as an Angel
that their saviour ...
will placed in the great Heaven....

therefore, Global Tamils,
must continue this war of weapons....
transforming it into Gandhi's spiritual war....

Just like,

Eritrea which saw its independence from Ethiopia on 1993,
Kosovo which was kept under UN's administration from Serbia ,
Bosnio Herzegonia gained its independent administration...
Timor Leste was freed from Indonesia....

Tamil Eelam must be formed...
as the seperate state is the only solution....

Global Tamils must work truthfully in this matter...

Time has changed the situation...
the wind is blowing in our side...
the world has witnessed the rise of Tamils
against the unjust,
and preserved it in its memories....

in the mid of oppressions, and pressures,
it's time...
for the rise of Gandhism,
The Sri Lankan Tamils
must justify the seperate state solution in the international arena...

Om Sakthi!

I think when you force a minority to live under a brutal regime ; it continues a convulsed state of affairs. And with Sri Lanka in particular with which I'm familiar, we've had almost fifty years of oppressions of a Tamil minority at the hands of Sinhalese majority.
- Bruce Fein, Chairman of American Freedom Agenda

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