The bitter truth is the world after all its civilisations...
is still immature..
ignorant and in this case i would say illiterate...
not in the case of conventional education system...
but in drawing a thin line between the
just and unjust...
truth and false...
reason and insanity..
It's absolutely dismaying..
to actually realise that,
the UN Human Rights Council is not an exception....,
(a council held by 47 seats elected every three years,
to defend and speak for the rights of the powerless....),
when its suppose to condemn and ask explanation for indiscriminate shelling..
bombing in no fire zone.. use of heavy artilleries such as cluster bombs, carpet bombs
on civilians .. ,
the council praised the governments effort
describing it as an act of abolishing terrorism..
and bringing peace..

when it acknowledged the commitment of the government to provide access as may be appropriate to humanitarian agencies..,
but never asked to explain why even the Red Cross was not allowed,
even after the end of war, as there were report of heavy casualties,
with tremendous shortage of medical supports.
when it acknowledged the government's claim
on LTTE killing the Tamil MP's during 1990's..,
whereas the government itself has hidden the fact that...
the Sri Lankan Army has been accused for at least killings of 5 MP's..
Arent they aware that...
the mere explanations of Sri Lankan Government ,
and few visits from the UN to the refugee's camps
are not capable and insufficient to unveil the truth
behind the barbed wires and restricted camps...
unless the media are allowed to investigate...,

Arent they aware that...
letting the Tamils at the mercy of the Sri Lankan government forces,
a force that they had feared for so long for assault and brutality,
a force that led 115 massacres on Tamils from 1956 - 2000,
will cause more harm and disharmony...
Arent they aware that,
the whole Tamil Diaspora and all international humanitarian NGO's
had adjudged and condemned the act of Sri Lanka,
that acknowledging Sri Lanka will cause it to
loose its credibility as an world organisation...
Arent they aware off...
the purposedly delayed rehabilation of Tamils to their own land,
even when the war is over,
resembles the government cruel intention...
to cause more injuries and sufferings
in a over crowded concentration camps
they are very well aware that the Sri Lankan Government is in the move
wiping off every possible evidences and witnesses for their ruthless act...
They are aware..
that the future of the refugees
are not as promised by the government..,
because the past answers it..
They are aware ,
that the democracy in Sri Lanka has been misused,
as the constitutional changes increased the Sinhala representation
in the parliment three fold...
'one-man-one-vote' used,
They are aware ,
of the pain and the demand of the Tamil Diaspora
for separate state solution and its justifications..

Yes they are....
but they have been silenced..
some have been brainwashed by the government's
some chose to be quiet as they fear for their own country
( u-predict-who-are-they) in future,
some even reasoned that the situation in Sri Lanka has not threatened the international peace..
the Secretary General Ban who told the world ..
that he was appalled by the killings of civilians in the war during his recent visit...
now seems to distance himself and failed to press for a international inquiry...
the U.N spokeman Gordon Weiss, who told ' a blood bath has become reality,'
was silenced too...
I am not here to accuse UN ,
as being useless, or slacking, or hopeless....
which in fact I feel I dont have to..
because the time will answer...
whether the minorities are liberated from terrorism..
the minorities are led into another form of terrorism...
I feel obliged to whatever had happened in Sri Lanka...
as my country , Malaysia
is one of the member in UN Human Rights Council
among the 29 to pass the resolution..
I cant stop thinking...,
our country which said that it would not interfere in internal disputes earlier,
now being supportive for Sri Lanka,
neglecting the humanitarian crisis over there,
what would it have in its plan..
for us here ...
UN definitely has to face the world,
as people are watching from every corners,
using the lenses of internet,
it may not be able to refuse if it accused to be
a comfort blanket for most perverse an cruel tyrannies in the world..
in future..
oh yeke?..
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